Thursday, August 25, 2016



My name is Melissa Gozun, and I am a freshman. I was born and raised in Hawaii, which is right between Japan and the West Coast of the United States. Hawaii's location on the map and its plantation history result in much of Japanese culture becoming apart of everyday life in Hawaii. Like in Japan, most people in Hawaii remove their shoes before entering their homes and eat Japanese favorites like とんかつ or a Hawaiian version of おむすび. We even have our very own Don Quijotes throughout Oahu. Additionally, Japanese tourists often visit the islands while on vacation and play a vital role in the state's economy.

Japanese food and culture have been apart of my life since I was born. I decided to take Japanese to not only learn more about the language, but to also learn about the origins of the culture that is weaved into the fabric of my home state. There are so many similarities between the two that I've noticed so far, and I'm excited to see if there's anything else I did not know about previously!

I'm also excited to (hopefully) watch some J-Dramas (Proposal Daisakusen is my favorite) and (hopefully) eat some Japanese food that reminds me of home. I can't wait to see what this year has in store!